About Like Dawn Novels

A Man Like None Other


Read A Man Like None Other by . Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here.Jared Chance seethes with anger when he discovers someone making advances toward his girlfriend. In a misguided attempt to defend her, he lands himself behind bars. Three years later, released from prison, he learns that his former girlfriend has married the very man who made the unwanted advances. Jared refuses to accept this betrayal. Armed with newfound skills from his time incarcerated, particularly the Focus Technique, he sets out on a journey of self-improvement and cultivation. Along the way, he finds companionship in the form of the stunning Josephine. Little does he anticipate the fury his actions will stoke in his ex-girlfriend.


The Dragon Princess


Read The Dragon Princess by Dawn. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here_______________________...


God of Fishing


In a world where humanity lives in suspended space, children undergo a fishing test when they come of age. Those with immaculate talents have the possibility of becoming great fishing masters.In the endless sea, every life is imbued with a sacred mission. There are fish that can fly, turtles that have absorbed the worldly essence, and whales that can devour the heaven and earth… There are also countless fishers.Fishing is an art.There is an ancient saying: If you can’t fish, you might as well be bait.


The Dawn Of The New World


The world ended in 2012. Hao Xuan was transported to a brand new place along with the rest of humanity. The novel follows his adventures through this vast new plane, fighting men and beasts alike, making friends, finding love, and etching out his own existence in the vast universe. All the monsters from your dreams, stories, and movies are real in this fantastical place.


Young Master Qin Keeps Coveting Me After I Beat Him Up


Jiang Xun was transmigrated as a cannon fodder. Her mother died when she was young, her stepmother schemes against her, and her father abandoned her in a village. But Jiang Xun didn’t panic, and she was a person who always won by virtue.Thieves would say, “Stop hitting me, I’ll change careers!”Thugs would say, “Stop hitting me, I’ll return the money!”At the Jiang family banquet, guests were watching her every move, waiting for her to make a fool of herself. “I heard that she’s been living in the village for eleven years and has a country bumpkin-like feel to her. If I were the Jiang family, I wouldn’t risk her embarrassing me by letting her attend.”Mr. Jiang said to her, “Stay behind your mother and don’t speak lest you embarrass yourself.”Her stepmother nodded. “The Qin family’s patriarch, Qin Mufeng is noble, benevolent, and abstinent. Don’t even think about someone like him; he’s completely out of your league.”Sure. She didn’t intend to marry into a rich family anyway. She just wanted to beat up the man in the rumors. But why was this man following her around all day every day?


The Long-awaited Mr Han


“Take me in, I’ll do anything you want me to!” In her previous life, Lu Man is sent to prison after being framed by her step-sister and an asshole. After being released from prison, the only thing that greets her is her mother’s tombstone. Seeing the asshole and bitch getting happily along together like one big family with her birth father and step-mother, she sets out to die together with the asshole and her step-sister in fiery flames. The moment she opens her eyes again, she finds herself back on the very day she was framed. Resolutely jumping out the window and climbing next door, she seeks refuge from the man occupying the room there. But who would have guessed that the man is the brilliant hunk she has always admired from afar in her past life? She vows to rub her eyes clean and be more discerning of people. She wants to make everyone who owed her in the past to pay her back! “Young Master Han, can you let me hug your other arm too?”“Actually, I have one more, do you want it?”“…”


Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress


Originally born from a wealthy family, she ends up leading a vagrant life for fifteen years. However, when she is eventually found by her family, she falls into another devious plot and eventually dies tragically.Fifteen years after her rebirth, ravenously raging for revenge, she tears down the hypocritical mask of the foster daughter who had taken her place, and reduces her greedy stepmother and stepsister back to their original sorry states.To the jerk’s profession of his deep love for her, she only has one thing to say, “Get the hell out of my life. The love you speak of humiliates love!”Regardless of the appearances of you monsters, I’ll take in it my stride with my capability, building a business dynasty of my own, sitting in the depths of my riches, bathing in the glistening limelight of the world.A certain rich empire’s CEO: “Don’t mind me. I’m just leaving my mark here to declaring my possession rights; I’ll wait patiently for you to grow up!” The queen’s mighty return with commercial warfare fully within her grasp, she navigates the power struggles with skill and verve. When it comes to scheming conspiracies, all she has to say is, “Who are you again? Don’t even bother!”


Don’t You Like Me


Short, rich, and handsome, Lin Feiran was always the center of attention. But after transferring schools in his second year of high school, he discovered that his limelight was snatched by his Adonis classmate, Gu Kaifeng.Lin Feiran was very resentful, and he and Gu Kaifeng became archnemesis (one-sidedly). Although the two lived together, they were like strangers.When Lin Feiran went back home to attend his grandfather’s funeral, he accidentally inherited the Yin-Yang eyes that had been passed down from generation to generation. After gaining the ability to see ghosts, the timid Lin Feiran discovered that his two-person dormitory was actually a sixteen-person (ghost) room. Every day, he was scared to the point of collapsing.The more aggravating thing is that because of Gu Kaifeng’s innate body constitution, he possessed an abundant amount of Yang energy. Lin Feiran found out that whenever he touched Gu Kaifeng, Gu Kaifeng’s Yang energy could temporarily disable his Yin-Yang eyes. A light touch would disable it for five minutes, a kiss for an hour, and so on…Lin Feiran had no choice but to throw himself into his archnemesis’s embrace. This complete reversal in attitude to being intimate with Gu Kaifeng persisted every day from morning till night.When sleeping, he must squeeze in the same bed as Gu Kaifeng. Going to the toilet? He must drag Gu Kaifeng with him. Homework? It must be done hand-in-hand with Gu Kaifeng… He also had to try his best to persuade the teacher to make him Gu Kaifeng’s deskmate. Every day in class, he would rub Gu Kaifeng’s calf with his foot beneath the desks…Following the clingy little bastard’s sudden change in personality, the initially shocked Gu Kaifeng gradually became smitten. Every day he would chase Lin Feiran to flirt with him, make crazy confessions, and even routinely push him against the wall and kiss him…Gu Kaifeng: “Don’t you like me? I like you, so let’s be together.”Lin Feiran: “I don’t like you! Don’t come over!”Gu Kaifeng: “


A Blood-Like Rain


Read A Blood-Like Rain by Lyv Aiken. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereKaden Devon is the H...


A Gift from the Goddess


Read A Gift from the Goddess by Dawn Rosewood. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereAria was t...
